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fantasy film中文是什么意思

用"fantasy film"造句"fantasy film"怎么读"fantasy film" in a sentence


  • 幻想片


  • Best film - yubari international fantasy film festival , japan ( 1992 )
  • Martial arts and fantasy films were also prolific , along with the development of comedies which took on a healthy course
  • Recreation : grand world scenic park , tianhe sports center , flying dragon world amusement park , nanhai fantasy film city
  • This fantasy film of love , sacrifice and the hunt tells the story of a beautiful woman who is cursed with the instinct of a praying mantis
    法布尔1823 - 1915 ,法国昆虫学家一个美丽的女子,有一个不可告人的秘密:她体内有螳螂的本性。
  • Currently , kelly completed filming scorpion king in los angeles in a lead role opposite the rock . she plays a sorceress , love interest of the rock in this action , fantasy film to be released in theaters april 19 , 2002
  • The only poignant memory from this film is the father and son relationship between yuen biao and wang . one thing i like about this film is that it is a devoted fantasy film . it is not a pretentious hong kong sci - fi fluff
用"fantasy film"造句  


Fantasy films are films with fantastic themes, usually involving magic, supernatural events, make-believe creatures, or exotic fantasy worlds. The genre is considered to be distinct from science fiction film and horror film, although the genres do overlap.
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